La letra en ingles de El Ruido De Tus Zapatos interpretada por la banda Limon tambien esta dentro de las 10 mas sonadas y ha entrado en las canciones latinas mas populares para octubre del 2013
Tell him that you miss me
that you made a mistake
that you were upset
and that it was cruel of you to accept him.
We'll be discreet
You won't have any problems
No one will notice
I give you my word, girl. Don't be scared.
I know that you bite your nails
It wasn't what you hoped for.
Why don't you tell me about it?
That he's a liar
That he deceived you
That he was only fun in the beginning
And come into my arms
Because if he's asleep
He won't hear the sound
That your shoes will make
You can't love him in so few days
Come back to me, that must be what you want
Grab your things and leave him a note
in which you tell him "I don't need you."
And come into my arms
I will be happy
when I hear the noise that
your shoes will make.
Come rest,
love, against my chest
Don't defend him
Don't even think about him
Because he didn't do it.
I know that you bite your nails
It wasn't what you hoped for.
Why don't you tell me about it?
That he's a liar
That he deceived you
That he was only fun in the beginning
And come into my arms
Because if he's asleep
He won't hear the sound
That your shoes will make
You can't love him in so few days
Come back to me, that must be what you want
Grab your things and leave him a note
in which you tell him "I don't need you."
And come into my arms
I will be happy
when I hear the noise that
your shoes will make.
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